“WHAT’S UP WITH BILL? HE’S FAKING” is the name of a series of paintings.

Click on the images below:

What's Up With Bill 3

“Here he comes. Act natural.”


Mixed media on wooden board.


 What's Up With Bill 2

“Wheres Bill? He didn’t make it. Who’s Bill? Here I am.”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 1

“What are you doing up there? 53º 36′ 91″ N just like in the message. I’m bored.”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 25

“What’s up with Bill? He’s faking.”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 16

3am the fallen tree come alone. What? What’s your star sign? Leave me alone.”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 15

So do we have a deal? Is this a lake we’re standing on?”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 14

Don’t leave me out here. The bus stop is right there. Yeah. Get a grip.”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 13

What’s up with you? I’m sliding down the hill. Did he squeal? Not a whimper.”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 8

   Bloody dead zones. Where’s he off to? Something about a crap signal.”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 11

   “Try to run and you’re dead meat. Do I know you? Can I play?”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 10

   What’s his problem? He’s been here too long. We all have. I got here yesterday.”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 9

   What are you wearing? Yeah. What’s that about?”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 24

   I’m cold. Where’s your coat? They have no idea I’m watching them.”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 22

   I can’t believe this is ending. Yeah. Bye.”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 21

   Look how high up I am. Is he with you? No chance.”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 20

   Tell us what you know. I like head massages. I think we’ve got the wrong guy.”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 19

   I’ve updated my profile page. Who cares? Please get lost.”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 18

   I don’t feel too good. Ha. Lightweight.”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 17

   Were you followed? Yeah. I’m tired.”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 7

   Why is Bill lying broken at the bottom of the hill? Don’t look at me.”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 6

   He’s one of us. Listen to your friend. Shut up and give me back my shoes.”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 5

   Who’s that guy? Search me.”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 4

   I’ve had enough. Let’s ditch him. This is nice. Just the three of us.”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 26

  “So I’m busy and you’re out of town.Okay.Hey guys did you hear about my party?”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 12

   Tell them I want out. Have you seen my Frisbee?”


Mixed media on wooden board.


What's Up With Bill 23

   Where is everyone?”


Mixed media on wooden board.
